Dr Leanne Rowe is a general practitioner with a special interest in adolescent health and parenting. She is also lectures at Melbourne University and Monash University and in 1997 was awarded the Australian Medical Association’s ‘Best Individual Contribution to Health Care in Australia’ for her work in setting up Clockwork Young People’s Health Service in Geelong.
Leanne’s work with Clockwork has been the inspiration for girl_X recreated, an unusual book which takes a long, hard look at the world of today’s adolescents, a world that often seems to be a world without hope. Leanne Rowe has collected the ideas and art works of many young people and put them together in the form of an imaginary student’s diary which explores the dreams of young people. It is a book which seeks to show that there is still a positive message for teenagers – the future is one of hope.
Going Beyond Writing
Leanne Rowe has set up a website which allows readers to register their reactions and comments on the book. The website also gives information about the issues discussed, such as family relationships, alcohol, grief, racism and drugs, and has a whole section on how to incorporate this book into the school curriculum.
This project has been enthusiastically endorsed by Dr Kerryn Phelps, president of the AMA, and promoted by Dr Brendan Nelson, the federal Minister for Education, Science and Training. Leanne is based in Melbourne but will be in Sydney from time to time to give school presentations to students, staff and parents.